Our chief in command, Jon Tuson, sometimes in his spare time (HA!) writes for French Property News Magazine, giving handy renovating tips and advice for readers who have properties in France.
Below is an article written many times in many different formats over the years we have been in France. It outlines our four most important tips to consider when preparing to renovate a property. It’s certainly not easy navigating a project in a foreign country where the language may be a barrier. Having a few good pointers to begin your French renovation adventure might serve you well.
Planning, communication, professionalism and flexibility are all tools that will serve you well during any renovation in your home country. In France, however, they are much more essential to enable a project to be completed successfully. Many self renovators may consider themselves ‘experts’ having undertaken renovation projects in the past and that’s great. The difference over this side of the pond is perhaps negotiating some of the infuriating procedures , such as complicated planning permissions, different building regulations and effectively communicating with suppliers in French to get the right product or the delivery on time!
If you aren’t scared of a few well earned battle scars, you should fair well. That together with the four tools outlined below should get you through to the other side in one piece.
Bon Courage!
You can subscribe to French Property News magazine and download back copies to find out more useful information on all manner of subjects from finance to gardening and house buying here: https://francemedia.shop/products/french-property-news-subscription
To read more juicy tips and free advice from our team click this link: https://www.renovation-maison-bretagne.com/blog/